The opening of registration of the main and sub-specialties on the faculty's website from Saturday 22 July 2017 until September 7, 2017, and the opening of registration for the transfer of the track and the special grade from 1 August 2017 to 7 September 2017

 The computer unit - Faculty of Science - Alexandria University announced the organization of a training course to qualify graduates of the Faculty of Science to work as teachers of science and mathematics in schools of languages and international schools, starting from Sunday, 16/7/2017 and until Wednesday, 19/7/2017 of 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm at the computer unit in Al-Shatby

 The faculty administration announced the mechanisms to deal with complaints and grievances of students through the following points

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NASA will hold a two-day international competition at the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport in Alexandria under the title “Local Peoples' Choice Winner”

The faculty administration announced the start of grievances of results of examinations for the students of the bachelor's degree for the spring 2016/2017...From Sunday 9/7 to Thursday 13/7/201719665507 1613894355296372 2231242052362497419 n

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