Historical background:

The Department of Environmental Sciences was established as one of the departments in the Faculty of Science, Alexandria University in the the academic year 1995/1996 by his founder Prof. Dr.M. Ayaad. Prof. Dr. Assem  Barakat was the first head of the department.


To be one of the  world 's leaders in education and research in the field of environmental sciences and to create, integrate, and transform fundamental understanding of Earth processes, and use that knowledge to help achieving the sustainable development to our planet.


To create and effectively disseminate fundamental knowledge about Earth and  its resources, processes by which it changes, to undergraduates and postgraduate students and future leaders in order to be highly capable of dealing rationally with contemporary environmental issues and come up with sound and effective solutions necessary for protecting the environment through advanced and non-traditional educational and scientific research programs that allow to integrate, synthesize, and apply multidisciplinary scientific  knowledge to societal problems at all levels, and create an atmosphere of shared responsibility  in which all members have the opportunity to contribute to the process of continuously improving quality to achieving excellence.



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