Selected recent publication:


  1. Mona E. ; Amani, M. D. El Ahwany; Maha M. B. Beliah; Soraya A. Sabry(2013).  Xanthan production by a novel mutant strain ofXanthomonascampestris:Application of statistical design for optimization of process parameters. Life Science Journal:10(1).
  2. Alfazairy, A. A., ElAhwany. A. M. D., Mohamed, E. A., Zaghloul, H.A.H Elhelow, E. R 2012. Microbial control of the cotton leaf worm Spodopteralittoralis (Boisd.) by EgyptianBacillus thuringiensis isolates. Folia Microbiol. DOI 10.1007/s12223-012-0193-7.
  3. Amani
  4. Amani, M. D. El-Ahwany 2012. Statistical analysis and optimization of copperbiosorption capability by Oenococcusoeni PSU-1. African Journal of Biotechnology 11:4225-4233.
  5. Beltagy, E. Youssef, A., El-Shenawy M. and El-Assar, S. 2012. Purification of (kappa)k-carrageenase from locally isolated Cellulosimicrobiumcellulans. African Journal of Biotechnology. 11:11438-11446.
  6. Gouda MK, Swellam AE, Omar SH. (2012). Biodegradation of Synthetic Polyesters (BTA and PCL) with Natural Flora in Soil Burial and Pure Cultures under Ambient Temperature. Res. J. Environ. Earth Sci., 4(3): 325
  7. Lin, K., Elbahloul,Y., and Steinbüchel, A. 2012. Physiological conditions conducive to high cell density and high cyanophycin content in Ralstoniaeutrophastrain H16 possessing a KDPG aldolase gene-dependent addiction system. Appl. Mirobiol.Biotechnol 5:1885-1894.
  8. Nermeen
  9. Rania
  10. Youssef, A., Beltagy, A., El-Shenawy M., and El-Assar, S. 2012. Production of k-carrageenase from Cellulosimicrobiumcellulans isolated from Egyptian Mediterranean coast. African Journal of Microbiology Research . 6:6618-6618.
  11. Aboul-Nasr AM, Gouda MK, Omar SH, El-Habbab A (2011). Effect ofGlomusintraradices on the growth, chemical composition and yield of garlic plants under calcareous soil. Alex. J. Agric. Res. 56(2): 77-86.
  12. Ayman
  13. Chekroud Z, Gouda MK, Moussa, H (2011). Biodegradation of Crude Oil in Marine Medium. J Proteomics Bioinform. 4(10) : 231
  14. Ghada
  15. Bröker, D., Elbahloul Y., and Steinbüchel A. 2010. Production of lipids for biofuels using bacteria. In „Single Cell Oils" Microbial and Algal Oils, Ed. editors Z. Cohen & C.Ratledge 2nd Edition. American Oil Chemists Society. 
  16. Elbahloul Y., and Steinbüchel A. 2010. Pilot scale production of Microdiesel by a recombinant Escherichia coli strain. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 76:4560-65 
  17. El-Refai H.A., El-Helow E.R., Amin M.A., Sallam L.A., Salem H.A. 2010. Application of multi-factorial experimental designs for optimization of biotin production by aRhizopusnigricans strain. Journal of American Science, 6:179-187.
  18. Hafez, E.E., Saber,G., and Fattouh, F.A., 2010. Tomato Bushy Stunt Virus (TBSV) Infecting Lycopersiconesculentum. Z. Naturforsch.65c,619-626.
  19. Elbahloul Y., and Steinbüchel A. 2009. Large scale production of poly(3-hydroxyoctanoic acid) by Pseudomonas putidaGPo1 and a simplified downstream process. Appl. Environ.Microbiol. 75: 643-651.
  20. Gehan
  21. Khalil, R., Djadouni F., Elbahloul Y., and Omar S. 2009. The influence of cultural and physical conditions on the antimicrobial activity of bacteriocin produced by a newly isolated Bacillus megaterium strain 22. African Journal of Food Science 3: 11-22.
  22. Khalil, R., Elbahloul Y., Djadouni F., and Omar S. 2009. Isolation and Partial Characterization of a Bacteriocin Produced by a Newly Isolated Bacillus megaterium19 Strain. Pakistan J. Nutrition 8: 242-250.
  23. Rania (
  24. Rania , Mervat F.EL-Sherif, (2009),              Microbiological Reduction of Hexavalent Chromium by MarinibacillusmarinusIsolatedFrom Tannery Effluent. Global Journal of Environmental Research, 3(1): 07-17.
  25. Zaki
  26. Hafez, E.E. Abdel Aleem, E.E., and Fattouh, F.A., 2008. Comparison of Barley Stripe Mosaic Virus Strains. Z. Naturforsch (63): 271 – 276.
  27. Hafez, E.E., Yousef, A.S., Saber,G., and Fattouh, F.A. 2013. Defensive interaction of differentLycopersicum  esculentum  cvs infected by Tomato Bushy Stunt Virus. Life Science Journal,10(1):1786-1794.
  28. Hafez, E.E., Saber,G., and Fattouh, F.A., 2010. Tomato Bushy Stunt Virus (TBSV) Infecting Lycopersicon esculentum. Z. Naturforsch.65c,619-626.
  29. Fattouh, F.A., Ratti,C.,Aleem,E.,Ibrahim,M.,Babini,A.R. and Rubies        Autonell,C. 2010. Molecular characterization of PPV isolates from Egypt. Proceedings of the 13 Congress of the Mediterranean Phytopathological Union,20-25 June,Rome-Italy.

Plant Physiology

  1. Abdel Rahman A. and Ibrahim M.M., 2012. Effect of cement particulates deposition on eco-physiological behaviors of halophytes in the salt marshes of Red Sea, Saudi Arabia. Egypt. Acad. J. biolog. Sci., 3(1): 1- 11.
  2. Ibrahim, M. M., Najat A. Boukhari and El-Gaely. G. 2012. Molecular and Physiological behavior variations of Artemisia monosperma for seasonal temperature divergence in the middle region, Saudi Arabia. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin (Volume 21, No. 7, pages 1725-1731).
  3. Ismail, G.S.M. (2012). Protective role of nitric oxide against arsenic-induced damages in germinating mung bean seeds. ActaPhysiologiaPlantarum 34:1303–1311.
  4. Abou El Saadat, E.M., Hassan, M.R. Hassan, I.A. and Weheda, B.M (2011). Heavy metal content in leaves of Ficusretusagrown in contaminated and uncontaminated sites in Northern Egypt and mitigation of their toxic effects by washing treatments. Universal Journal of Environmental Research and Technology,11: 1 – 8.
  5. Ibrahim M.M., Bafeel S.O., 2011. Molecular and Physiological Aspects for LepidiumsativumTolerance in Response to Lead Toxicity. Fresenius Environmental bulletin, V. 20 – No 8. 2011, pp. 1871-1879.
  6. Maysa
  7. Ismail, G.S.M. and Ezzat, H., 2010. Alteration in growth and thylakoid membrane lipid composition of Azollacaroliniana under phosphate deficiency. BiologiaPlantarum 54 (4): 671-676.
  8. Maysa
  9. Ezzat, H. and Ismail, G.S.M (2009). The role of ABA in the response of two different wheat varieties to water deficit. Z. Naturforsch. 64c, 77-84
  10. Maysa

Plant Cytology

  1. Evaluation of the Genotoxicity of Residual Repeated Applications of Sewage Sludge on M2 meiocytes of Zea Plants, 2011. Amal W. Amin. Research Journal of Environmental Toxicology, 5 (4): 235-250.
  2. Comparative Study On The Cytogenetic Effect Of PeganumHarmala L. Seed Extract AndAcrylamide (2010). A.W. Amin, , F.M. Ashour, M.A. El_Demellawy, L.M. El-Sadek. Egypt. J. Bot., 33-52.
  3. Effect of Residual and Accumulative Sewage Sludge on Heavy Metals Bioaccumulation: Gene Action and Some Yield Parameters of Viciafaba(2009). Amal W, Amin. ;Sherif, El-Atar, H;.Ez-Eldin. H. Research Journal of Environmental Toxicology, 3 (2): 60-75.
  4. Residual Effect of Sewage Sludge on Soil and Several Yield Parameters of Zea  mays(2009).Amal W, Amin. ;Sherif, El-Atar, H;.Ez-Eldin. H. Research Journal of Environmental Toxicology, 3 (2): 86-93.

Plant Ecology

  1. Current status of wild Medicinal plants in the Western Mediterranean coastal region.   Egypt. 4thInternational EcoSummit, Ecological Sustainability Restoring the Planets Ecosystem Services, Columbus, Ohio, USA -30 Sep. 5 Nov. 2012.
  2. Conservation of Threatened Plant Species in the Eastern Saudi Arabia.4th International  EcoSummit, Ecological Sustainability Restoring the Planets Ecosystem Services,   Columbus, Ohio, USA - 30 Sep. 5 Nov. 2012.
  3. Rangelands in Arid Ecosystem In” "Diversity of Ecosystems"  Ed.,Mahamane  Ali, pp(127-166), ISBN 978-953-51-0572-5,InTech, (2012).
  4. Nutritive value and the role panicumturgidumforssk. in the arid ecosystems of the Egyptian , 68 (1) 2009


  1. Beyond FAMEs: Expanding the renewable carbon profile with microalgal lipids fromIsochrysis sp. Energy and Fuels, 2012: 26 (4): 2434-2441.
  2. Age of nitrogen deficient microalgal cells is a key factor for maximizing lipid content. Res. J. Phytochem., 2012: 6 (2): 42-53
  3. Biotransformation of sewage sludge by microalgae towards biofuel production.  Annual Meeting of the Phycological Society of America, 20-23 June 2012, Charleston, SC, USA.
  4. Characterization of Fatty acid composition of Nannocloropsissalina as a determinant of biodiesel properties. Z. Naturforsch, 2011: 66 c, 328 – 332.

Plant Taxonomy

  1. Moussa, S.A.L. and Taia, W.K. (2012). Light stress effects on biomass allocation and growth parameters of Phaseolus  vulgaris L. IRJCE 2(2):
  2. Moussa, S.A.I, Taia, W.K. and Al-Ghamdy, F.G.M. (2012).
  3. Acclimation of DipterygiumglaucumDecne. grown in the Western Coastal part of Saudi Arabia to different water supplies. IRJCE 2(1):  301-309.
  4. Taia, W.K. and Mussa, S.A.L. (2011). Phenotypic VariationsinCalligonumcomosumL`Her (Polygonaceae) Grown in Al-Nefud Desert in Saudi Arabia. J.S.R. 3(2): 421-435.
  5. Mussa, S.A.I. and Taia, W.K. (2009). White fluorescent light effect on seed germination and seedlings morphological chartacters of Phaseolus  vulgaris L.,  Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences.
  6. Taia, W.K. (2009): Taxonomical study of the Papaveraceae with Special Indication to Morphological variations in Leaves and Fruits. JKAU: Met., Env. & Arid Land Agric. Sci., 20(1): 23-43.

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