Community Services

The department offers training courses in water microbiology, molecular biology techniques, medical analysis, and microbiological analysis.

Department members provide consultations in various fields such as water analysis, food microbiology, medicinal plants, fermentation technology, waste treatment, biofuels …etc., to the surrounding industrial community whereas, Alexandria harbor more than 50% of the Egyptian industry.





Botany and Microbiology Colloquium

The department of Botany and Microbiology arranges monthly seminars for distinguished researchers and faculty. Seminars cover various topics in Science and technology. They are held at the Green Hall, Moharam Beik campus, after the Department meeting. Seminars will be announced via email and printed flyers.

Speaker Topic Month

Prof. Dr. Yousry Gohar

Professor of Microbiology

Head of Egyptian Syndicate of

Scientific Professions

Alexandria Branch

Stress, Immunity, and Disease October, 2012

Prof. Dr. Selim Zidan

Professor of Plant Ecology

Faculty of Science,

Alexandria University

Ecological Services and Natural Resources November, 2012

Prof. Dr. Faiza Fattouh

Professor of Virology

Head of Botany and Microbiology

Department, Alexandria University

Virology Research from Virus Genomics to Nanotechnology December, 2012
Prof. Dr. Yousry Gohar Biotherapy January, 2013

Dr. Yasser Elbahloul

Assistant Professor of
Microbiology, Faculty of Science

Alexandria University

Emerging Bipolymers and Applications February, 2013

Prof. Dr. Morsi El Soda

Emeritus Professor

of Dairy Science, Department of Dairy

Science and Technology

Former Dean of Faculty of Agriculture

Alexandria University

The Lactic Acid Bacteria and I March, 2013
Prof. Dr. Laila Beidak Conservation and Biodiversity April, 2013

A series of lectures cover the theme “New Trends in Nuclear and Renewable Energy, and its Applications in Egypt” are arranged by Alexandrina Bibliotheca.

 Prof. Dr. Nagwa Gamal ElDin and Ass. Prof. Yasser Elbahloul presented two key lectures in this series.

1.                  New Trends in Nuclear and Renewable Energy, and its Applications in Egypt - Algae: A New Way for Making Biodiesel

17 Mar 2013 | Bibliotheca Alexandrina - Special Projects Department | Lecture | Open For Public

Lecture by Dr. NagwaGamal El-Din, Professor of Phycology, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University, and PI of the Med-Algae project.  

2.                 New Trends in Nuclear and Renewable Energy, and its Applications in Egypt - Bacterial Microfuels and Fuel Alternatives

21 Mar 2013 | Bibliotheca Alexandrina - Special Projects Department | Lecture | Open For Public 

Lecture by Dr. Yasser Elbahloul, Associate Professor of Microbial Biotechnology, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University.  


CIQAP laboratory

Botany and Microbiology Department established in December, 2012 the student’s CIQAP laboratories at the Botany and Microbiology Department in Moharam Beik and El-Shatby buildings. The lab includes a variety of modern scientific instruments which are used to improve the quality of experimentation in Botany and Microbiology.

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