Bachelor Degree:
There are three programs of B.Sc. in Oceanography Department:
Special Biological Oceanography - General Oceanography & Chemistry -
Physical Oceanography & Mathematics.
B.Sc. in General Oceanography, providing equal shares in marine biology, fisheries, marine chemistry and marine geology.
Graduate Studies (Diploma, M.Sc., Ph.D.):
B.Sc. students in basic sciences and agricultural sciences are allowed to join Diploma of Higher Studies in the following:
- Fisheries and fish culture.
- Coastal management and pollution.
Students holding any degree in oceanography, either B.Sc. or Diploma of higher studies are allowed to continue further Post-Graduate studies in the department to obtain:
- M.Sc. in marine science in the respective disciplines. The prerequisites are: formal courses followed by qualifying examination. The candidate is then given a research project and submits a thesis.
- Ph.D. degree in one of the major disciplines of marine sciences: Physical, chemical, geological or biological oceanography.
The department accomplished 275 M.Sc. and 78 Ph.D. thesis research till now.